Many healthcare providers understand the importance of HIPAA compliance, but are not interested in reading detailed regulations and agency commentary to understand the rules.  If this describes any of your staff members, the Office of National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology may have a solution: play an online game.

In an effort to make HIPAA compliance a bit more fun, ONC has developed web games for both the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules.  Each game provides a number of real-life patient privacy scenarios and asks the player to choose the correct course of action.

Sample scenarios include an employee’s access to unencrypted PHI on a home laptop, the purpose of an entity’s “contingency plan” under the Security Rule, and the use of e-mail to send unencrypted PHI.

The games might be something to try if you have found it difficult to make HIPAA compliance engaging for staff members.  Although the games are simple and fun, the issues that they address have huge significance for all covered entities and business associates.

You can access the games here.  What is your highest score?

For more information about HIPAA compliance, contact Casey Moriarty.